
autumn leaves

Autumn is my favorite season.

I like the fall colors.

Drake took it upon himself one day to go out and rake the leaves because I wasn't getting around to it fast enough.

After a while, I went out to help and got carried away with taking pictures, which rarely happens... really...

I raked up a pile of leaves, then just held down the camera button, resulting in a whole lot of pictures. These boys never tired of running back to the fence only to run to the pile of leaves again. I'll stop typing now so you can scroll through these pictures as fast (or as slow) as you want, if you even want to.

Shad and Matt showed up while we were still at it.

Good times.


Elise said...

What darling pictures! Of course I remember you! In fact, I was just thinking of you the other day and recalling to myself what a happy pregnant (and I'm sure unpregnant) woman you are! How are you?! What a crazy thing for you to find my blog! Where are you these days?

Andrea said...

Ok, three things: 1-You take such great pictures! They are amazing! 2-Graham looks so much like Shad. 3-Your boys are so cute holding hands as they run! Ugh - that just makes me want more kids and a backyard that much more!