
drake's mind

I'm a pretty boring mom.  Fortunately, Drake is my oldest.  He keeps life interesting.  Here is a small peek into Drake's mind.

Drake loves to build.  Here are some weapon things he built.  This one is the "Out Pack".  I'm still not sure what that means.

This one is the "Misl Canin" (Missile Cannon).

This is his own "To Do" List.  #2 and #3 describe Drake in a nutshell.  #4 gives me hope he might do it someday.

This is just one example of a store that Drake set up.  He loves to set up shop and try to make money... real money.  I'm still trying to get him to understand that Graham and Avery don't have any money.  Usually he concedes to just making fake money that they can use to buy stuff, but he always tries for the real stuff first.

And this is to show that Drake loves to try new things.  It doesn't matter how difficult something looks or how long it might take - nothing deters Drake from figuring something out or trying something new.  I love his enthusiasm for life.

Thanks for making our home more fun Drake.

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