
Still no baby...

... so you get another random post of pictures. Drake and Graham spoiled me by coming 8 and 6 days early, respectively. Tomorrow, I'll only have 2 days left until my due date. We'll see when she decides to come, eh?

A few Sundays ago, Drake proudly showed us a picture he made of a temple on his little Etch-A-Sketch. Frankly, I was impressed that it actually resembled a temple, so we took a picture.
I don't know if you can see the tear on Graham's cheek, but he got really sad one morning when Shad left for work. Graham really wanted to go with him, so he ran and got his shoes and brought them to me, hoping I could help him leave with his dad. The camera was right next to me, so I grabbed this shot of sweet Graham's longing face, but unfortunately, he didn't get to go with Shad. Graham LOVES his dad, and says his name quite often throughout the day, and especially in the evening when it's almost time for Shad to come home.
Good buddies going for a ride.
Drake and Graham really, really, really like to be outside when Shad is, and are always eager to help him with whatever he is doing. Shad is always nice to let them help, even if it slows him down a little.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Very cute boys. I hope your baby comes soon. My sister Mandy is due in 5 days and ready anytime. I am anxious to see when she comes!