
new office desk

For a long time, Shad has wanted a corner desk for our computer/office to replace the one we've had since we got married.  And for a long time, I've wanted to build some furniture.  So I finally convinced him that if we combined our wishes, maybe they would come true.  Although Shad ended up doing most of the finish work, I did actually help in the building process.  So, without further ado...

Here is our old desk.

And here is our new desk

Eventually we'll build some drawers to go in the base cabinets so we can use them as filing cabinets, but we're glad to finally have the main part done and usable.  I don't know if I can convince Shad to build anything else with me, but I enjoyed it and I'm glad we got to work together on it.


Maryscanary said...

Looks great, Gel. Good job.

Matt Dyer said...

Nice lookin desk. Needs a new lcd monitor to go with it :)