
october in review

My kids really do get along well. But just like any other kids, little things that don't go just the way they want them to, can become a really big deal.

Here's just one example: the boys were playing ball in the backyard.

Something not to Graham's liking happened. I don't remember what it was.

Shad comforted him.

But life is still hard sometimes.

Avery trying on her new dollar store attire for the winter.

We did finally have our first snow.

Sanding our entertainment center that we bought for cheap.

The kids "helped" a lot.

A line of school buses... and horses.

The canal is now empty for the winter.

I just really liked the clouds on this day.

Favorite pasttime.

Drake still runs to me every time he gets off the bus.

Fishing... when it's too cold to fish outside.

Enjoying a warm October day.


Since we moved into this home, our bedroom door has always been really hard to close and open. It was just too tight.

So Shad decided one day he was going to fix that, using a good old-fashioned hand planer. Our door works like a breeze now.

Drake's light show: The picture didn't really turn out, but you can still hear his amazing sound effects.

I love this bunch.

Goodbye October...

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